The creator of The Walking Dead claims AMC negotiated its licensing agreements in bad faith and engaged in “self-dealing,” allegedly paying a low licensing rate to the AMC affiliate studio…
FIFA’s “Turf War” on Women
On the heels of the successful 2014 Men’s World Cup, FIFA began implementing plans for the tournament’s counterpart: the 2015 Women’s World Cup in Ontario, Canada. For example, this autumn,…
Game Critics and Commercial Bribery: the Original #gamergate Controversy
by Chris Deatherage What is Gamergate? Gamergate is the most polarizing issue in the gaming community at this time. For the un-initiated, Gamergate started as a movement against corruption…
A Potential Contract Sweetener: Rewarding Good Behavior
Both athletes and management are at high risk for finding themselves the objects of lawsuits brought by intimate partners, acquaintances, or even strangers. Whether or not there is truth behind…
Feminism, the First Amendment, and #Gamergate
by Annelise Dominguez This past August, the Internet erupted when Anita Sarkeesian, a media critic, was threatened with mutilation, rape, and other physical harm in response to her video web…
New Jersey Takes a Gamble on Sports Betting
Certain states are eager to take advantage of the sports gambling cash cow to help balance their budgets, but the amateur and professional sports association oppose it.
After O’Bannon: Potential Effects on College Recruitment
Recently, the excitement and drama of sports recruitment movies came to the United States District Court for the Northern District of California with the decision on Edward O’Bannon, et al.,…
User Beware: the Legality of YouTube-to-MP3 Converters
by Joseph Citelli With the proliferation of music on massively popular file-sharing websites such as YouTube and Soundcloud, musical artists face legitimate concerns in terms of protecting their copyrighted…