By: Shelby Anderson At the second presidential debate, the phrase of the night was ‘locker room talk’.[1] Just forty-eight hours before the debate, a video surfaced of the Republican presidential candidate…
Forensics Meets Music
By: Amena Khestchin-Kamel The Question The question when it comes to plagiarism in the Music Industry is can judges and jurors really understand “striking similarity ” between two songs,…
Above Copyright Law: One of China’s Most Notorious Black Markets
By: Nicole Metzgar-Schall The sale of illegal copies of DVDs is a global problem, especially in China, where legally purchased DVDs are virtually non-existent. Individuals in China who wish to see…
Brown, Black and White: differing media treatment of Domestic Abusers
Since the assault in 2009, Chris Brown has garnered much media scrutiny related to his every action. Through a racial lenses, it does not relieve Brown of responsibility for his…
Act Two of the Unpaid Internship Saga: Human Rights Protections
Unpaid interns are not legally protected from sexual harassment at work because they are not employees within the meaning of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. State laws may…
Game Critics and Commercial Bribery: the Original #gamergate Controversy
by Chris Deatherage What is Gamergate? Gamergate is the most polarizing issue in the gaming community at this time. For the un-initiated, Gamergate started as a movement against corruption…
Feminism, the First Amendment, and #Gamergate
by Annelise Dominguez This past August, the Internet erupted when Anita Sarkeesian, a media critic, was threatened with mutilation, rape, and other physical harm in response to her video web…
User Beware: the Legality of YouTube-to-MP3 Converters
by Joseph Citelli With the proliferation of music on massively popular file-sharing websites such as YouTube and Soundcloud, musical artists face legitimate concerns in terms of protecting their copyrighted…