By: Carlton Fearon The Fourth Circuit has stayed a ruling in Southern West Virginia U.S. District Court that upheld West Virginia’s Transgender Sports Law.[1] In July 2021, GOP Governor Jim…
By: Brandon Marinelli Puerto Rico’s potential Sovereign Immunity death may come from the hands of one of its most famous icon’s sons. On August 5th, 2022, the heirs of the…
Is Censorship Worth It?
By: Jordan Kendall What is censorship? It is the suppression of ideas, images, or words that are classified as “offensive.”[1] Censorship may be used by governments or private groups to…
Kanye West’s Birthday Party: Spoiled?
By: Alexandra Glover Upon tweeting his plans to run for president on July 4th, the bizarre journey of Kanye’s campaign as the presidential nominee for “The Birthday Party” triggered many…
Chicago’s “Netflix Tax”– Spreading Due to COVID-19
By: Robert Niska COVID-19 has fundamentally altered the way we all live. Americans are spending more time at home, working remotely, buying a life-time supply of toilet paper, and binge-watching…
Sit Down Saints Fans: You do not have Standing to Sue
By: Benjamin Moffitt If you are a New Orleans Saints fan, you are likely upset about the blown pass interference call in the NFC Championship game between that Saints and…
Collectively Bargaining the National Anthem into Sports Leagues
By: Zubin Kottoor “The Star-Spangled Banner” playing before the start of a sporting event has been a staple of American culture since the early 1900s.[1] Standing during the playing…
Strange (or Perfect) Bedfellows: The NCAA and FBI.
By: Cameron Miller The NCAA endured its fair share of scandals of recent memory. The sordid Jerry Sandusky saga at Penn State broke in 2011.[1] UNC’s paper class scheme was…
The Blurred Line Between Advocacy and Incitement
By: Justin Gowan Americans enjoy a unique privilege not shared by a majority of the world—the ability to publicly criticize the government without fear of retaliation. In the wake…
State Bans on MMA Fighting Infringe upon First Amendment Rights
By: Iulia Taranu Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”) provides an avenue for many individuals to express themselves and showcase their talents in front of large audiences. It also provides a platform…